• Fibroblasts are the most common cells of connective tissue in the body, and the only ones that can create Type III collagen, which is the most taught, tense form, and improve elasticity, hydration, and can minimize wrinkles. Most fibroblasts are inactive unless they are specifically reactivated by a trauma and wound-healing process. 

    Plasma Pen fibroblasting is the most advanced, non-invasive technology for significantly tightening and lifting the skin. It uses nitrogen plasma energy to create a micro-trauma within the epidermis, and emits a high concentration of heat to the deeper dermal layers of skin, reactivating your skin’s fibroblasts to produce new, tense, organized collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid, and also results in neovascularization (formation of new vascular structures), which plays a critical role in many biological functions within the skin, namely the proper diffusion of oxygen and nutrients to the cells. 

  • Neck lines (tech neck) and turkey neck

    Lax skin underneath the chin

    Under eye bags and sagging

    Crows feet

    Upper and lower eyelid tightening (blepharoplasty)

    Brow lift

    Accordion lines on the lower face

    Jowl lifting

    Marionette lines

    Forehead lines

    Acne scars

    Pore tightening on the nose

    Smoker’s lines on the lips

    Stretch marks

    Mole removal

    Sun spot removal

    Skin tag removal

    And much more

  • When you choose to work with Plasma Pen by Louise Walsh International, you are choosing both the device and the quality of certification training.

    Unfortunately, the aesthetics market is full of “counterfeit” devices that enter the market, unregulated, with no certification or training required, and this puts a stain on the beautiful things achieved when you receive treatments from a reputable device and provider. Often, these devices are made in China, for cheap, and do not even utilize nitrogen plasma technology. It is more or less a heating element that causes real damage to the skin. Plasma Pen by LWI is German-engineered and manufactured, is CE certified, and is the #1 device worldwide. In addition to the most advanced technology with variable settings, their world-class training and certification process ensures safety, quality of treatment, and best outcomes.

    So much of a patient’s outcomes are dependent on the technician understanding contraindications, and being able to coach the patient through properly preparing for their treatment, as well as coaching them during their healing process. This depth of understanding is not achievable without the superior certification training offered through LWI. Safety is our number one concern. In addition to safety, a LWI-certified technician will understand device settings, an individual’s health history, patient compliance, treatment mapping, and number of treatments needed in order to deliver you the very best aesthetic results. LWI trainers are also readily available to offer additional guidance to their accounts, so we are able to pass along that ongoing support to our patients.

    Although there are many clinical considerations when determining if you are a candidate for Plasma Pen treatments, there are some hard contraindications. The following render a patient unsuitable for receiving treatments:

    Fitzpatrick types V-VI

    Allergic to topical anesthetic or epinephrine

    Use of blood-thinning or anticoagulant medications (Warfarin, Ivaroxaban, Xarelto, Dabigatran, Eliquis, etc)

    Immunosuppressive drugs, cytotoxic antineoplastic agents, corticosteroids, NSAIDs

    Accutane within the last year

    Pregnancy or breast feeding, delivery, or hysterectomy within the last 6 months

    Any facial or eye surgery within the last 3 months

    Hemophilia, Hepatitis, HIV

    Pigmentation disorders such as Melasma, Vitiligo


    History of keloid scars

    Cancer, those undergoing cancer or radiation treatments

    Shingles outbreak within the last 6 months

    Epilepsy/epileptic event within the last 2 years


    Autoimmune disorders, Wound-healing disorders

    Get more information at

  • First, we must determine if you are a safe candidate to treat. We will conduct a pre-qualification questionnaire with you over the phone to rule out any hard contraindications. There are many other clinical considerations to determine if you are safe and ideal to treat, and this will be determined through a comprehensive in-person evaluation.

    During your 1:1 evaluation with our Plasma Pen technician, we will engage in a dialogue to understand your health status, unique goals, and create a proprietary treatment plan to ensure best outcomes. Many patients desire more than one area to be treated, and ALL require unique treatment designs, so we will map out a plan to get you to your finish line in a manner that is safe, efficient, and cost-effective.

    What to expect from a Plasma Pen treatment:

    Things like mole, sun spot, and skin tag removal typically require only 1 treatment. For corrective skin tightening treatments, more than one treatment is generally required to achieve visible, surgical-like results. These treatment plans are to be executed every 12 weeks. Some tightening can be seen immediately after your treatment, with full results of each treatment seen after the12-week healing process, as this is the length of time it takes for your body to produce and arrange it’s most tense, organized collagen. Just imagine, however, allocating 3 or 4 weeks total of your time in a single year to undo decades of damage from gravity and aging. It is so worth it! You are so worth it!

    During your skin-tightening treatment, you are dual-numbed, and tiny dots are arranged in a specific pattern to give you the maximum skin tightening. Upon finishing, a protective layer of antibacterial, antiviral colloidal silver is applied to the treated area. You will see tan dots on the skin. These tiny dots with their carbon crusts will remain on the skin for about one week. Because of the inflammatory phase that is involved in the body’s natural healing process, you will look worse before better, with additional redness, and darkening of the carbon crusts 24-72 hours after your procedure.

    Inflammation subsides approximately 72 hours post-procedure, and your healing takes a positive turn. The carbon crusts will begin to fall off on their own terms beginning days 4-5 and will continue to fully shed within a week or so.

    *It is imperative that you follow all aftercare instructions provided to ensure you do not knock off the carbon crusts prematurely, and keep the skin protected from the sun. All details of pre- and post-care will be addressed during your in-person evaluation.

    By now, we hope you are excited as we are about this revolutionary technology! When ready, please contact us to begin the process of determining of Plasma Pen is right for you! In the meantime, while you await your assessment, take a look at how to perfectly prep your skin for Plasma Pen treatments! (Link to The Perfect Prep for Plasma Pen)